Sunday, 30 March 2014

Other EPS Teachers Get Involved in Learning About Macro-invertebrates at Our Stream

Our thanks to Miss Hughes and Matua Faenza for sharing their findings at the stream.  They will be passed to Julia at WaiCare so they can be posted online on the WaiCare website.  We have had difficulties posting data in the past and Julia has assisted us a lot.

Miss Hughes and Matua Faenza are doing an online postgrad Science qualification and we are excited that they may be able to help us monitor the stream more effectively and get regular samples.  We don't have time to manage the rubbish and take the samples within half an hour.  So, classes can share the task in school time.


Anonymous said...

This was an exciting investigation Eco-Warriors. Looking forward to see what you macro-invertebrate you find.

Anonymous said...

Nice tally chart Mrs Hoge tall's me everything you found